Analysis Of The Flowers By Alice Walker

Words: 408
Pages: 2

In the story, "The Flowers" by Alice Walker, the conflict which comes up is how the main character, Myop, grows up once she is startled by the sight of the man dead. In the beginning of the story, Myop is described as a someone who is carefree and thinks the world is pure like every other child does. "Today she made her own path, bouncing this way and that way, vaguely keeping an eye out for snakes." It is clearly shown how carefree Myop is, since her only fear is snakes when she is trying to find a new path. Many people once they have had more experience in life, tend to worry about getting lost and have feeling of being unsafe, once they go to places they aren't familiar with or know very well. As Myop continues her walk through the woods