Analysis Of The Locavore Movement

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Pages: 3

The American majority is growing tired of mass-produced, chemically preserved food. Enter the locavore movement. This is a massive growth of the idealism of sustaining oneself and one's family on only items that are grown locally. Locavorism is a healthy and economically prosperous alternative to mass-produced food because it provides healthier and fresher food, encourages farmers to be able to live easily while providing for their communities, and cuts down on the miles/time food has to traverse before it can be bought.
Local food is much more healthy and fresh than mass-produced food in that the food does not have to be pumped full of chemicals to survive the time and distance that faraway farms require. "Because the produce will be handled
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"It would allow farmers to make a decent living while giving consumers access to healthy, fresh food at affordable prices." (Maiser) Farmers deserve to be rewarded for their hard work. As an effect of buying straight from the farmer and not through big companies, the producers of the merchandise receive more money back. Also, the farmers will not be locked into mainstream foods, but are allowed to experiment since all of the food will be sold locally. "Local producers often play with their crops from year to year, trying out Little Gem Lettuce, Senshu Apples, and Chieftain Potatoes." (Maiser) Since shorter distances food items have to travel, translates to fresher, healthier, tastier food, eating locally-grown items severely cut down on the amount of preservatives in food and the time it takes to get from producer to consumer. “It’s not just vitamins and minerals, but all these phytochemicals and really powerful disease-fighting substances, and we do know that when a food never really reaches its peak ripeness, the levels of these substances never get as high.” (Smith) Food that is both grown and bought locally is picked at the peak of ripeness and is sold nearly immediately, so no chemicals are added in an attempt to prolong the ripeness of the food. Also, the food will not need to be picked before it is fully