Analysis Of The Old South In A Rose For Emily

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Pages: 3

A Rose For America

In the short story “A Rose For Emily” Faulkner shows a view of the new South and does this by using Emily as a symbol for a society not ready for change. By using flashbacks, and by keeping her dead husband’s corpse signifies the constant struggle between the past and the present during the American change from old south to new.
Miss Emily Grierson is a woman who symbolizes the old south. The old fashion customs and etiquette are the way she likes it. When time begins to change, she retreats into her house, refusing to go along with the new style of living. However Miss Emily looks out her window and she sees something that she might like about the new south, his name is Homer Barron. Homer instantly becomes a center of attention and entertainment in the
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The old south is an era filled with hate. The rich work to keep the lower class poor. The poorer class work to keep their lives afloat. There have been racial struggles and the constant battle to hold tightly to the past in fear of the future. The era of the old south refuses to let go of the past to move forward with changes of the new era. They refuse change because old tradition brought success to the ones that were in high in stature. However the new south brings peace and change to the south tensions will be dropped an the American dream will be possible to everyone not just the wealthy but to the poor as well majority is ready for change but there is a select few of the older generation that do not want change they want time to stay still because its what there used to and it promises good fortune to them. Faulkner uses a creepy image to help illustrate that America was in bad shape slavery is considered Americas worse mistake the old south was a generation of hate and discrimination of all individuals that were not high wealthy members of the old southern society. The