Analysis Of Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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Pages: 3

The Harlem Renaissance took place mostly in the 1920’s. Racism was still strong in America, but african-american culture was still able flourish. During this time african americans created new pieces art, music, and literature. Ebonic also became a popular dialect among african americans. All of these traits of this time is used in Zora Neale Hurston's book “Their Eyes Were Watching God.” The protagonist of the story is a woman named Janie who has come back to her old town after she left without telling anyone. Hurston characterizes Jaine by the effects she has on others and through her dialogue with other characters.

Janie is described as a beautiful woman and this has an effect on others, when the town’s women realize Janie was back and wearing untasteful clothing the author tells us that “the women took the faded shirt and muddy overalls and laid them away for remembrance” (Hurston page 25). Janie's effect on the town’s women cause them to become envious. They are so jealous of her that they will remember every unflattering thing she has ever worn, or done. The women will use the clothing
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And Ah reckon they got me up in they mouth now”(Hurston Page 29). This tells reader that Janie does not care for the porch sitters and that she is aware that they talk about her and do not like her. Her use of the term “Mouth-Almighty” implies that she believes that they think what they are saying is the word of God. Janie also says “If God don’t think no mo’ ‘bout ‘em then Ah do, they’s a lost ball in de high grass” ( Hurston Page 29). Janie is saying that if God doesn't care about the porch sitters then she doesn’t care about them either and that they are a lost cause. This quote shows that Janie is a very secure person and does not care what others think of her. It also shows that Janie is somewhat of a witty