Analyze The Changes In Britain Between 1750 And 1900

Words: 391
Pages: 2

The industrial revolution brought about change in Britain between 1750 and 1900 in many ways. Transport became faster, easier and helpful. Factories were useful but working in a factory was bad. People had to move to cities to get work.

Before the industrial revolution the transport in Britain was really poor. It changed for better from 1750 to 1900. Transport was necessary for moving goods faster around the country. It impacted lives in the country by allowing raw Martials and goods to and from factories. There was improvement to roads by giving them firm foundations, a smooth surface and drainage. The building of bridges assisted in making travel faster. A lot of canals were being built in the early 18th century. There were upgrades to railways and the introduction of the steam engine. By 1870 there more than 100,000 steam engines in Britain. Before the railway upgrade it would have taken four days just to travel to London to Manchester. After the upgrades it took about four hours. This allowed goods, people, raw materials and post to be moved around to country much faster. The effect of improved transport was that people could travel much faster than they used to. This helped to stimulate the economy with the industrial revolution.
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Many workers were angry about some of the changes that had happened for example they used to have a connection with their employer and they would help you when you needed it. But in the factories they wouldn’t even see their employers. Some people lost their jobs to workers who would accept lower wages. The workers weren’t used to having harsh conditions as most of them came from farms. The Factories Inquiry Commission of 1833 thought that the conditions were awful. The increase in factories changed Britain by worsening the worker’s