Analyzing The Setting Of 'The Road'

Words: 814
Pages: 4

The setting of “The Road” is all burnt down and covered in ash. There may have been some kind of war that happened that led to everything being demolished. There is nowhere to take any kind of cover because of the setting. Every part of every thing has had something burnt off of it, and it is coated in ash so much so that the characters have to blow the ash off of things just to get to them. The setting greatly affects the characters because the they have a hard time trying to stay alive because of the lack of food that they have. The reason that there is such a lack of food is because everything is burnt down, stores are no longer operating, and there are \few people that are still alive because of the poor conditions. There is water that still flows, but it is grey and freezing. The setting of “The Road” is covered in ash and is grey, everything is burnt down and silent, all things that are around the characters are desecrated down to nothing, and even when all things are down to nothing, you have to try to continue and never give up. Ash is everywhere. It is on top of, underneath of, and between everything that lies out on the things that did not totally get burnt away. The wind blows the ash around the earth because there is no other thing to …show more content…
The thing that is holding up the best is the road that is being traveled on. There is no life in anything except for the little life that is still left in the characters. Everything is dead and has been for quite some time, and it hasn’t moved since. Most of the things have been desecrated to ash, and the ash is the only thing that characters really get to look at because there is nothing else that moves. Even though everything is gone the characters always have hope that they will make it out of it alive. Since everything is desecrated it is just hard for them to that considering the conditions they are