Analyzing Vicki Salemi's 'Acceptance Speech'

Words: 363
Pages: 2

So you got the job? Got the promotion? Got the pay raise? Who do you thank for your career? Remember that there are 5 things you should be thankful for when making your “acceptance speech.”
Sometimes a career-oriented person feels like he either won a million bucks or won the Oscars when he gets his first job, finally achieve dthat long-term goal, made partner at a firm or recently got promoted.
Then goes the process of making a mental list of who you need to call and thank for your success. You start with your mentor, your peers, family and friends, old teachers - persons who have been there for you and you think helped you get to where you are now.
But making your “Acceptance Speech” isnt’ all about thanking. Vicki Salemi offers some advice