Anatomy & Physiology Essay

Submitted By janelle3372
Words: 368
Pages: 2

The food’s nutrients are now being absorbed in to the blood, and the veins from ileum are now draining into superior mesenteric vein. Superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein then combine and form hepatic portal vein where it leads to the liver. The portal venous system located in the liver is delivering blood to the capillary system. From there, blood is now flowing up into the inferior vena cava and to the right atrium, from there down to the right ventricle and then down to the pulmonary artery and then last to the lungs. The blood from lungs is moving to the left atrium through the pulmonary vein and then move to aorta via left ventricle. The blood from aorta then goes to the abdominal aorta. Then the blood goes into the superior mesenteric artery and then to left renal artery, which led me straight to the kidney. I am now entering the kidney via glomerular membrane in the nephrons. The glomerulus is in the bowman's capsule, and the blood is being split into the capillaries. The blood from cortex is now being passed through the medulla of the kidney. From the collecting tubules of the kidney, urine is formed and drained in to the renal pelvis and then collected in the ureter. The urine from ureter then passes to the urinary bladder and leaves the body from urethra. Homeostasis is a fancy word meaning "equilibrium,” All of the body's systems work in unison to maintain balance within the body, but all systems have their specific roles. The digestive system