Essay about Ancient Civilization: An Overview of Rome

Submitted By Izzynoriega
Words: 834
Pages: 4

Ancient Rome
There were many immense ancient civilizations. One of the greatest was the Roman Empire. There were three important people in the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar, Leo I and Cicero. They are important because they are part of the reason Rome flourished as a country. Rome was an advanced country for the time period it is in and that is a part of the reason it was so good at being an empire.
Julius Caesar was important because he was a great guy in general. Caesar himself progressed within the Roman political system. Julius Caesar was governor in the Roman province of Spain from 60-61 BC. Back in Rome in 60, Caesar made an agreement with Pompey and Crassus, which would help him to get voted as consul for 59 BC. When Caesar was done in the Roman Army he started to have an interest for politics. Caesar was an excellent general that commanded an army of over 50,000 men. Others thought that all he cared about was his own power and that is what pushed him forward, not the countries well-being. Then in 49 BC Caesar was told to hand his army over to the senate. Instead he refused and crossed the Rubicon. At that time in Rome it was a law that a governor could not leave his province. Caesar’s army was dominant and had a lot of skill. In 44 BC, Caesar was murdered by Servilius Casca and then the other senators all joined in, stabbing him repeatedly about the head. Marcus Brutus wounded Caesar in the groin. His murder took place at the Senate House in Rome. After his slaying, Rome was divided, into two halves.
Leo's early life was all about military, and he had reached the rank of tribune in the regiment of the Mattiarii by 457. Leo was crowned emperor at AD 457 by the patriarch of Constantinople, Anatolius. Leo I was alive during the Western Empire, which lasted from 394-476 AD. This was the time period that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. His enemies were known to call him “the Butcher.” He ruled as the Roman Emperor from 457-474 AD. Leo's reign was also noteworthy for his influence in the Western Roman Empire. He attempted to build on this political achievement with an expedition against the Vandals in 468, which was defeated. This disaster drained the Empire of men and money. The expedition, consisted of 1,113 ships carrying 100,000 men, but in the end lost 600 ships. Leo became very unpopular on his last days as Emperor for abolishing any non-religious celebration or event on Sundays. Leo died at the age of 73 on 18 January 474.
Cicero’s life matched with the decline and then the eventual collapse of the Roman Republic. He was an important actor in many of the significant political events of his time. He was an orator, lawyer, politician, and philosopher. Cicero positioned politics above philosophical study. The only periods of his life in which he wrote philosophical works were the times he was forcibly prevented from taking part in politics. In 60 BC Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus combined their resources and formed the first triumvirate. Knowing his popularity and talents, they made several attempts to get Cicero to join them. Cicero never joined because he preferred to remain loyal to the Senate and the idea of the Republic. In 58 BCE there was a new law introduced,