Andrew Carnegie Biography Essay

Words: 499
Pages: 2

Andrew as a young boy lived in a single family home with no brothers and sisters. Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room. His uncle, George Lauder Sr., a Scottish political leader, deeply influenced him as a boy by introducing him to the writings of Robert Burns and historical Scottish heroes. He grew up poor with a small ranch with just the basic animal necessities. He ended up moving to the United States in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in 1848 for the prospect of a better life. He felt bad for the life that he grew up in and wanted to make it big! His first job at age of 13 years old in 1848 was as a bobbin boy, changing spools of thread in a cotton mill 12 hours a day, 6 days a week in a Pittsburgh cotton factory. He learned his principles of life moving from job to job earning more and more until he got to the age of 24 he became the superintendent of the western division, in Pennsylvania Railroad. After many years he soon got a brother named Thomas. At the age of 16, Thomas started working as a secretary for Andrew. Soon the civil war started and Andrew made HUGE bank!!! Using the railroad to his advantage, he was trading, selling, and shipping goods for large amounts of profit. From 1885 to the 1900’s, this is the first time that Andrew used the Bessemer steel process to make himself a 2017 …show more content…
With is losses and gains as a person, influenced him as to never stop tying and to always shoot for success. He had many followers that made it close to his shoes and became a wealthy family. Due to his struggles he was able to prevail and gave most of his riches to public products and the creation of the united states government. Finally, I believe he did nearly everything right to the creation of his monopoly to help America become a great hard