Animal Testing Satire

Words: 418
Pages: 2

Everyone wants to be a millionaire right? So imagine, if you were given 1 dollar, starting now, for every animal that is tested on in a U.S. Lab. You would be a millionaire within 4 days. That means that 3 animals are poisoned, crippled and jailed in a Lab every second. Mice, rabbits, pigs, hamsters and even cats and dogs are born and live the rest of their lonely, painful lives in a cage. Animal testing, or vivisection as it is also known, is wrong for a multitude of reasons, and I am personally completely against it.

Lifeless, hungry, trapped. These are just a few words that describe a poor animal in a lab. But it's not just one. Roughly 10,000 animals are used for every vaccine. Picture these animals that are kept in appalling conditions:
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However, in actual fact 92% of drugs that pass animal testing fail on humans as we have a vastly different physiology to other animal species. For example, Vioxx, a drug that was prescribed for arthritis that had been successful on animals but caused over 60,000 deaths in the US before being withdrawn. millions of animals have had to endure agonising physical and psychological pain for nearly 70 years in attempts to find a cure for cancer. Despite this very little has been uncovered as to the cure or cause. There are other means of testing that have proven to be more reliable. For example in vitro testing. This is the process of using cells on a petri dish to examine the effects of a vaccine or other product. This costs less, can use human cells and most importantly, does not treat any living thing badly.

14 billion dollars of US taxpayers money is spent on animal testing every year. An inefficient and expensive way to test vaccines, cosmetics and other products. We should be using in vitro testing as it costs much less. For example, a DNA Synthesis costs $32,000 for an animal test, whereas an in vitro test only costs 11,000. and Wouldn't you rather have your money go towards medical care? Somewhere that can benefit more for less