Essay about Annotative Bibliography 2

Submitted By Addypitts
Words: 470
Pages: 2

Addy Pitts
Mrs. Bogan
English 102
17 November, 2014
Teen Pregnancy: Annotative Bibliography
Belluck, Pam., “A Study Bolsters a Call to Use Long-Acting Contraceptive.” The New York Times 14 Oct. 2014: A29, Print This article is about a study of a New England Journal of Medicine that examines the results of a program in St Louis that counseled teenage girls and provided the girls (ages fourteen through nineteen)with free contraception, including long acting methods like intrauterine devices and hormonal implants. This relates that girls who participated in program had less than a quarter of the annual pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates of teenage girls nationally.

Khan, Amina. “Doctors urged to prescribe teens Plan B before they have sex” Los Angeles Times 26 Nov. 2012: 13 This article is questioning if doctors should be able to give underage teenagers prescriptions for emergency contraceptives like plan B before they start having sex instead of waiting until a young patients “ plan A’ goes south. It says doctors should also counsel teens on the various options for emergency birth control as part of an overall strategy to reduce teen pregnancy. “That’s tragic really,” said Dr. Cora Breuner, a physician At Seattle Children’s Hospital who helped write the new policy statement as a member of the academy’s Committee on Adolescence. “We really can do better. By providing more education and improving access to contraception and more education about family planning, we can do better.”

Addy Pitts
Mrs. Bogan
English 102
17 November, 2014
Teen Pregnancy: Annotative Bibliography
Kristof, Nicholas. ” TV Lowers Birthrate (Seriously)” New York Times 19 Mar, 2014: A26 Nicholas Kristof’s column infers that reality television shows 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom are more effective in lowering teen pregnancy rates than traditional education campaigns; holds storytelling can be a niche