Antigone The Relationship Between Haemon And Creon

Words: 319
Pages: 2

The character Haemon in the play Antigone is King Creon’s son. He is also Antigone’s love interest and was supposed to be her husband. These two obligations are conflicting for Haemon, friends or family. He is debating whether or not he should side with his father and go against Antigone or vice-versa. Family versus friends can tear someone apart from the inside out if they can’t manage it. Haemon's devotion to Creon is supposed to be unquestionable since he is his son. However when someone is asked to go against who they love for they can come out of the situation heartbroken. In Haemon’s case he has to consider if he should obey his own father and disown Antigone. However a possible outcome from doing that is that Antigone would hate him