Anxiety Informative Speech

Words: 647
Pages: 3

yoDou understand what it's like to have anxiety? Well if you don't here's an example of what it feels like. Its feels as if you are slowly drowning in a pool of hatred and embarrassment. You feel surrounded by people who laugh at you and you feel like everyone is watching your every move. See most parents have kids with anxiety, but don't understand it because they don't have it. When parents tell their children to be strong and calm down most kids would do it, but kids with anxiety just can't. They get too overwhelmed with everything that's going on. Some people think it's alright, they'll grow out of it, but that's not always the truth. Some kids never do because of how they were treated in the past and they are scared to make the same mistake again. Most people think kids just are doing this because they are “weird” , but that's not it at all. …show more content…
Social phobia is a disorder in which someone has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. A person with Social anxiety is afraid that they will make a mistake, look bad, and be embarrassed or humiliated in front of others. See most of the time Social anxiety often runs in families, but nobody knows for sure why some people have it while some don't. Researchers have found that many parts of the brain are involved in anxiety and fear. There are ways to help cure social anxiety and one of them is therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety has been really successful. Social phobia is generally treated by Psychology, Medication or