Ap Euro Essay

Submitted By TheCampHard
Words: 767
Pages: 4

The responses to the Catholic Church in the 16th century to the challenges posed by the Lutheran Reformation were to strengthen Catholic doctrine, prevent the further spread of the ideas of the Protestants, and the enlightenment of education. One of the main responses the Catholic Church posed was to strengthen Catholic doctrine. Many Catholic reformers were aware of the problems and abuses with the Church, which made Martin Luther leave and write his 95 theses. But, instead of breaking spiritual and doctrinal authority, they continued with their attempts to change the Church from within. To do so, the Church studied and readjusted their doctrines according to the Council of Trent, which met for more than twenty years in starting in 1545. The Council of Trent made it where Church doctrine was modified and unified. Many of the corrupt practices of the Church were abolished and the Pope was given back full and final authority in all religious and Church matters. The review and enunciation of doctrine included the justification of faith by good works, and the reform of some practices included the curtailing of indulgences. The Council of Trent continued to reform the Church until 1563. Besides the Council of Trent, Baroque art was used to engage the viewer in the religious experience by emphasizing the importance of the Church and Catholic doctrine through religious and emotional imagery. Because of the strengthening of Catholic doctrine the Inquisition in Rome and Spain grew more powerful and stronger as well. Wherever Catholic jurisdiction prevailed, Protestants were subject to imprisonment and death. Another response the Catholic Church made to was to prevent the further spread of the ideas of the Protestants. One way that prevented the further spread of the ideas was new religious orders that brought forth many Catholics and the spread of the Catholic doctrine. Ignatius Loyola was the man who founded the Society of Jesus, with the purpose of preaching and changing peoples views of the Church. They became know as the Jesuits and gave the people hope. The Jesuits believed that it was essential for Catholics to stick together and they believed the Protestant theology was flawed. The Peace of Augsburg in 1555 was established because Charles V was losing revenue cause of Luther, and it stated where the region, his the religion. To stop Luther the Edict of Worms was signed in agreement with Charles V and the Pope in 1521 placing Luther under the ban of the empire. The Church had strong control south of the Alps where Catholics retained control over government, Protestants became in time small minorities. The French Civil War was a war of religion. The Guise family led the Catholics in the North and the Bourbon family led the Huguenots in the South. At the end, Henry of Navarre defeated the Catholic League and became Henry IV of France. He converted to Catholicism to compromise and make peace. He was supposed to be married to the daughter of a Medici, but the St. Bartholomew’s