The Demonic View Of Diseases?

Submitted By Joese
Words: 292
Pages: 2

1. They consisted of a nuclear family. Grandparents could not live long enough to see their grandchildren in addition to children moving to the city to discover new jobs.
3. The custom of late marriage changed due to the rise in illegitimate children. Since non-marital sex was not allowed, people married to override their child’s presence.
4. They used birth control in the form of condoms and coitus interruptus. There was no “birth control” prevention at the time that was not primitive.
5. This is because the cottage industry was booming and let workers leave earlier than usual. Because of this, people started to become independent in terms of love and started to have sex without marriage.
7. Because of the revolution. There was more food in general and thus people began to have better health and nutrition. People also ate meats and grains because they were cheap due to the mass production.
8. Rich people could eat more things and could pay for meats etc. The poor people could not really afford too much meat and relied on cheap grains. They did not get protein and calcium due to this.
9. The potato was the replacement for grain and thus was very important since the poor people would be eating a lot of it.
10. It was pretty small because it was focused around the role of healing people of famines and injuries.
11. The demonic view of diseases is the belief that demons and evil spirits caused disease by lodging in people and that the proper treatment was