Men And Women's Change During The Neolithic Revolution

Submitted By piffls420
Words: 952
Pages: 4

Foundations to 600BCE During the Neolithic Revolution, daily life for the average human being changed drastically. Men and women converted from hunting and gathering to farming as a way to to obtain food. This put an end to the common nomadic lifestyle of early human beings, since they did not have to go out and find food anymore. This led to the growth of cities, and assigned certain gender roles. During this time, women usually stayed home and took care of children, cooked food, and made clothing. On the other hand, men had to work in the farms and maintain the crops so the family could survive. Therefore, since men had the more important job, they progressively became more important in society compared to women. At around 3200 BCE, the written language of hieroglyphics was developed in Egypt. This was one of the earliest forms of organized writing in history. This changed the way people communicated for the next 5000 years! Written language is one of the most useful things in society today. It allows for many aspects of daily life to be much easier; for example, many law codes and records and holy writings were made possible to understand through this form of communication.
600BCE to 600CE At the time of the Han Dynasty in China, the silk road was used to export many goods from China and India. The term “silk road” refers to a path that runs through northern Asia and leads to Europe. The Chinese used this route to export goods such as pottery, leather, iron, paper and most of all, silk. This led to many instances of cultural diffusion between the continents of Asia and Europe, which formed alliances and caused economic prosperity. Alexander the Great was born in 356 BCE in Macedonia. Once his father passed away he inherited the throne of the powerful kingdom. He then set out to conquer Greece and the huge and powerful Persian Empire. Against all odds, he led his army through Persian land without a single defeat. By the age of 33, he founded over 70 cities and was the ruler of an Empire that was over 2 million square miles. During his time as Emperor, he spread the Hellenistic culture and his empire was united by the common Greek language. Also, Alexander the Great adopted foreign ideas because of the vast amounts of ethnic diversity throughout his Empire.

600CE to 1450 The Aztec Empire was very innovative in finding ways to survive and use their land to the fullest. Being located in the mountains of Mexico, finding a flat surface to plant crops was very difficult. Terrace farming was a technique used by the Aztecs to be able to plant crops in the mountains. A terrace is a high wall of dir dug into the side of a steep hill or mountainside, and allowed for there to be usable land. Another way the Aztecs adapted to their environment for survival is by planting crops in “chinampas”, which were floating gardens put into a shallow stream. This allowed for more successful yields because of the hot weather in Mexico and limited amounts of fertile soil. In the year 1215, King John of England signed a document named the Magna Carta, due to his unfair rule over the English people. King John wasn’t very successful in his foreign military ventures. After losing a battle for land in northern France, he demanded more money and taxed the people to obtain it. He also angered the pope, which resulted in a ban of all church services in England. These events caused the people to rebel and the result was the Magna Carta. The document gave the people of England many rights such as not being