Apollo 13 Movie Vs History

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Pages: 3

On June 30, 1995 the historical film Apollo 13 was released. Apollo 13 happened in real on April 11, 1970, the mission lasted 5 days, 22 hours and 54 minutes. This movie was a superb insight on the mission, apollo 13, it was called the, “successful failure ,”mission. This mission was simple, just land on the moon and get some information, but it becomes much more complicated than that. If you watch the movie and know history, you would rate this as one of the more historically accurate movies. The main goal of this mission was to land on the moon, explore it, make observations, and collect rock samples. Instead, the mission turned into a survival mission due to an explosion and rupture of oxygen tank no. 2 in the service module. Testing the tank is a usual thing to do, because if they get to old they don't work, so, you have to fire them up once in a while. When the crew saw the end of their ship be released they observed that half the ship had basically exploded and there was a huge hole. This was a great example of accurate historical movies, except a few key things. One difference is that in the movie there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and people of the ground have to find a way to fix it, which they do. In history though, yes this did happen, but,
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A second difference was a minor one, but notable. “Houston, we have a problem,” this what the movie states that is said when the oxygen tanks explode. When in reality they said, “Houston, we’ve had a problem.” The other difference is Mattingly spends hours in a simulator putting together the procedures for starting up the cold, dead command module in time to bring the astronauts back to Earth. While that is a good way of conveying the mission’s aim to the public, the simulation runs were more of a verification of already written procedures. These are some recognizable errors from movie to