Taking A Look At Apple Discount Drugs

Submitted By jfitz99
Words: 606
Pages: 3

A big part in what Apple Discount Drugs does is brings the best quality to the customer. No matter if it’s the quality of the drugs and equipment or the quality of the service, Apple Discount Drugs always holds the highest standards for quality. Apple Discount Drugs has always followed all government regulations for quality and has always employed only the most qualified pharmacist there are to hire. When they hire they make sure their pharmacist complete their 4 years pharmacy programs, complete a 1 to 2 year residency program, and have successfully passed their NAPLEX and MPJE tests with flying stars. Because they are a locally owned pharmacy they always give the best service around, filling prescriptions at any time to give comfort to their customers. McKesson, a pharmaceutical distributor and health care information technology company that provides systems for medical supply management, clinical workflow, practice management, pharmacy automation and care management, provides pedigrees programs to ensure the quality of the product has been tampered with for Apple Discount Drugs. To make sure medicines, products, and services are all working as they should, Apply Discount Drugs have the quality assurance department call people to see how they are doing and making sure everything is alright. Later on the pharmacy staff will make a follow up call to make sure everything in the future is going fine. Overall Apple Discount Drugs has provided the Eastern shore with some of the best quality and best service for years now and years to come. Over the past couple of years being able to predict major price fluctuations in the price of medicine has been nearly impossible. Companies these days don’t want them to know that manufacturers will increase their prices yearly, so in a particular month one could speculate and buy in hoping the price goes up. In the US the cost for medicines are much cheaper because people are willing to pay more for medicines and to make a profit manufacturers and pharmacies have to make prices higher to make profit off the production cost. But on the other hand in third world companies medicines are much cheaper and cost as much as the production cost because people are not willing to pay for the higher price and only able to pay for