Apush Dbq Analysis

Words: 922
Pages: 4

Hank Anderson
Period 1
APUSH Free Response Questions DBQ The United States was built based on the ideals of democracy and equality, yet white landowning men had complete control over the government and big industries. From 1825-1850, reform movements were established in hopes of bringing change and by doing so, help expand democratic ideals of equality, safety, and a flourishing economy. From giving women the right to vote, to freeing the slaves who have horrible living conditions; these reforms helped expand democratic ideals by making everyone equal under the law and making the United States a productive society economically. The major reform movements, temperance, women’s suffrage, abolitionism, and education, all sought to either expand
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The fight for women's suffrage had been hard due to women not having any power in government. Women held the first public convention for women was at Seneca Falls and it was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott(doc 6). Here, they pushed for women’s suffrage and wrote the Declaration of Sentiments in hope that they could raise awareness for women’s rights. This got women out of home life and into political view by being the first convention ran by women and showed to the world that women are equal to men. This idea spread women’s rights and strengthened the democratic ideal of equality for all. While not directly connected, alcohol had a great effect on the lives of women because their husbands would get drunk, waste their money on alcohol, and not work. Families would fall apart if the husband was an alcoholic as they were the only people who would make money and without the income, his wife and children would fall into poverty(doc 5). Without any money or husband, it was nearly impossible for any women to make a stable living. Alcohol led to women having less power over their lives and the banning of alcohol would allow a safer living for women and their …show more content…
Led by Horace Mann, the education reformers lengthened the minimum school year and set standards for the three R’s, “reading, riting, ‘rithmatic.” Some places like in New York City set out to reform juvenile delinquents in hope that someday they turn into productive members of society(doc 1). By helping out delinquents at a young age, less people end up in prison and more people help contribute to society and thrive. Productive societies lead to advancements in democratic ideals because everyone who is educated will listen more to reason and strive for equality for all and other rational democratic ideals. Some places focused on educating people in different ways of knowledge like the ways of Transcendentalism. Transcendentalists focused on “following human nature” and focused less on rational thinking. Places like Brooks Farm were based off the idea that if everybody worked together, they would reach maximum efficiency(doc 4). Making a productive society which works together and where everybody is equal is important to a productive democratic society and strengthens its ideals of a safe, flourishing