Apush Dbq Research Paper

Words: 973
Pages: 4

1. The 13th Amendment solidified in the Constitution the ideas of abolishing slavery that were set in the Emancipation Proclamation, by extending the law to the entire country, so that a later government could not re-establish slavery.

2. The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 nullified the Black Codes as an attempt to end racial discrimination in state laws.

3. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 established the procedure for states to re-enter the Union, which included ratifying the 14th Amendment.

4. The KKK used extreme fear to keep people, especially Republicans, from voting in the South, which went against what the 15th Amendment worked to do.

5. The Battle of Gettysburg was a major turning point in the Civil War because General Robert E. Lee lost more than ⅓ of his men.

1. This quote is
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In response to this dilemma of what to do with all these people fleeing from the Confederacy, Congress decided to follow the precedent set by Butler, which included the Lincoln administration to allow the use of blacks in their army and used them against the Confederacy.

Document #3
1. These documents are examples of Black Codes, which were laws passed in 1865, which was around the end of the Civil War and the very beginning of Reconstruction.
2. Their purpose was to limit the mobility of the former slaves and limit their job opportunities, in order to keep white supremacy alive. The laws accomplished this by subjecting former slaves to lots of discrimination in the laws, as being race specific or specific to the conditions of the former slaves.
3. In response, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 that nullified these Black Codes, that stated that states can’t make separate laws for whites and blacks. This was an attempt to end racial discrimination in state laws. To solidify these efforts, the Fourteenth Amendment was also written and ratified, with hopes to guarantee equality before the law for black citizens, by it being in the