Archetypes In The Hobbit

Words: 266
Pages: 2

Yes, The Hobbit does fit the archetypal pattern of a quest adventure. throughout the story you can figure out the distinct factors. For example Bilbo, the hobbit is the hero Gandalf the wizard and many villains along the way. In chapter 1 of The Hobbit, the first section of the archetypal pattern the call to adventure is presented when Gandalf knocks on Bilbo's front door and asked him if he wanted to go on an adventure to take back their treasures. Also in chapter 1 the assistance occurs when various dwarves visit Biblo to talk about the conditions and what they shall do during their adventure. Bilbo's departure to go on his trip goes with chapter 2 when he hurries to pack because he's late and didn't get the message from the dwarves. Part