Essay on Architecture: Color Theory and Visual Design Elements

Submitted By victorialassaxo
Words: 518
Pages: 3

September 11, 2013
Visual Design Elements
Six integral components used in the creation of a design:
Vertical- Represents dignity, formality, stability, and strength
Horizontal- Represents calm, peace, and relaxation
Diagonal- Represents action, activity, and excitement, and movement
Curved- Represents freedom, the natural, having the appearance of softness, and creates a soothing feeling or mood
Color has an immediate and profound effect on a design
Warm colors- reds, oranges, yellows
Cool colors- blues, purples, greens
Form and Shape
Form: (3D) the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its substance or material
Shape: (2D) the two-dimensional contour that characterizes an object or area
By incorporating the use of space in your design, you can enlarge or reduce the visual space.
-Open, uncluttered spaces
-Cramped, busy spaces
-Unused vs. good use of space
The surface look or feel of something
Smooth Surface- Reflects more light and therefore is a more intense color.
Rough Surface- Absorbs more light and therefore appears darker.

The relative lightness or darkness of a color.

Shade- Degree of darkness of a color
Tint- A pale or faint variation or a color
Visual Design Principles
Seven principles encompass an interesting design.
Parts of the design are equally distributed to create a sense of stability. Both physical and visual balance exist.
Symmetrical or formal balance- elements within the design are identical in relation to a centerline or axis
Asymmetrical or informal balance- parts of the design are not identical but are equal in visual weight
Radial balance- design elements radiate outward from the center
Vertical balance- the top and bottom parts are the same
Horizontal balance- the parts on the left and right side are equal
Repeated use of line, shape, color, texture or pattern
Regular Rhythm- an element is repeated at the same repetition/interval each time
Random Rhythm- the beats of the element are random or are irregular intervals
Gradated Rhythm- the repeated element is identical with the exception of one detail increasing or decreasing gradually with each repetition