Are People Distracted By Technology Essay

Words: 507
Pages: 3

Situational Distractions When Using Technology. Technology has become a very important part of of todays socitey. It is very difficult to go a day without using some form of technology. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations were technology puts us in danger or causes us to lose focus. Daily people find themselves being distracted by technology when doing homework, driving, and when hanging out with friends. When people do homework, they seem to get distracted by technology. Having your phone by your side while do homework is not the best idea. When people get stuck on an assignment they always seem to pick up their phones and start texting or checking twitter. People also like to watch television while they do homework and they get caught up watching a show more than they end up doing the homework. If people listen to podcasts while doing homework it can make them lose their train of thought and make them lose focus of what they are supposed to be doing. Technology while very useful can make doing homework, take even longer to finish. Many people get distracted by technology while driving. I would say most people have tried using their phones while driving either to text or call someone or even to set their fantasy football lineup. Driving while using a phone while fun it can cause many …show more content…
The television in a restaurant can be very distracting. Say Dude Bud is on date and decides to watch the football game instead of talking or listening to his date. She will get ticked off because he is not paying attention to her and she will probably leave. Dude Bud finds himself being distracted while eating with friends. This time he is on his phone trying to check his email to see if he has to work tomorrow. He spends all that time looking for the email in his inbox when he could have spent it hanging out with his friends. Technology can distract us and cause us not to enjoy our time with