Are The Witches Responsible For Macbeth

Words: 203
Pages: 1

The witches ignited the fuel for Macbeth to begin down his path of evil and murderous deeds. Later on in the play, Macbeth hired murderers to have Banquo killed and his son Fleance, for Banquo knows too much about Macbeth and also suspects him for the murder of Duncan. Fleance is also included because he is the only son of Banquo, meaning he will be the king in the future, as one of Banquos prophecy. After the murder of Banquo, his spirit showed up to Macbeth at the feast which provokes fear within Macbeth that he might have revenge against those responsible for his death. This drives him once again to the Witches to ask for more about his future. The witches planned to lead Macbeth to his downfall by making him feel over-confident. They allow