Are You Living Your Eulogy Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 3

Arianna Huffington, an author and CEO wrote an article called “Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Résumé?” (2013). She suggests to the audience to question if they are focused on living their lives like it is their résumés or eulogies? “It’s easy in effect, to miss our lives even while living them. Until we’re no longer living them.”(2). This shows how people can be so focused on their work to complete that they are not really living their lives to the fullest. The author develops and supports her thesis by providing examples and definitions throughout the article in order to allow the audience to be able to fully comprehend what she is trying to get through to them. The intended audience she was aiming for would be teenagers and college students. …show more content…
An observation I have made is with my mom with her job that she has had for years. She has no love for it but it gets the bills paid and allows us to live more comfortably. My mom sacrifices her happiness to look good on her résumé, she chooses her duty over her passion. A personal experience I have had are my school decisions when I have had to do certain classes to be considered for the colleges I want to go to. I choose these classes to look better than other students so I have a higher chance of getting in, I rarely choose the classes that I actually want to take. That is living for a résumé instead of a eulogy, you are doing things you do not necessarily want to