Argument Map Essay

Submitted By leeperm
Words: 833
Pages: 4

7 February 2013
What is an Argument? Everyone at some point and time has had what they consider to be an argument. Many feel an argument is a negative exchange of words between two or more people. Others may define an argument as a chance to express an opinion or belief. To a certain degree the first two definitions are correct. “An argument takes a stand and presents evidence that helps to convince people of the writer’s position. Arguments may be presented formally for academic discussions or informally like those that occur in daily life” (Kirszner & Mandell 5). Every topic that is an opinion is a debatable subject. In order to move forward in life, explore new thoughts, emotions and ideas, arguments are essential tools which can persuade and gain the respect of others. Why do we argue? This is a very simple question. We argue because we are all different. Arguments usually occur when one person or group is trying to win over or coax an opposing person or group to take a stand with their way of thinking. Human and animal rights, religion, sports, and politics are some of the reoccurring topics of most arguments. From the beginning and assumingly to the end of times debatable issues have been, and will be, placed on the discussion table. Positive and enforceable laws have become effective because someone had the courage to take a stand, present, and argue a debatable topic. Slavery was ended, animal cruelty is now a punishable crime, and a person may not obviously be discriminated against because of race, color or creed. These are all examples of why we argue. Many times quarrels are mistaken as arguments. This is a misconception that should be dispelled. Quarrels intend to attack or belittle those that opposition. However, to have a successful argument a belief or cause must have validity to convince others (Kirszner & Mandell 4 -5). How an argument is presented may make all the difference to the undecided party. Arguments disclosed in a formal platform should be researched, and proven truthful. Lawyers use arguments to submit evidence to help win court cases. An academic student may have to write a formal essay to persuade the reading audience. The research cited to help support the essay, and the truthful evidence submitted in court are all forms of arguments. Not all arguments have to be researched or cited before use. People have different point of views daily. While in conversation about a local television show or sport event two people without even knowing it may be having an argument about how they perceived what was viewed. Arguing is just a natural part of life. The third stage of an argument is refuting the argument. Because every argument has more than one side, always assume that the other side is a skeptic which has to be convinced (Kirszner & Mandell 13). At this point both sides may have stated their stand on the belief or topic of discussion. A well prepared debater will acknowledge the other side, and touch on the week or less supported points of view. This may help change the mind of the conflicting mate or any