Argumentative Essay: Do Aliens Exist?

Words: 1913
Pages: 8

From ancient depictions to present day videos and pictures, aliens and UFOs have been in the lives of humans throughout recorded history. Aliens have been a hot debate for centuries with evidence for and against their existence. The debate is mostly about if aliens have found earthlings and continue to return coming back. With the hundreds of thousands of reports of UFOs, abductions, this phenomenon should be taken more seriously than the current majority views this reality. People just disregard aliens because they just assume that the people who report these sightings are on something, which is not true. Many scientists, ex-military, and ex-government workers have been affected by aliens and give validity to some of these sightings. [Even though it is thought that life is too fragile, saying that humans are the anomaly in this extensive universe is bizarre.] The universe is theorized to go on forever containing trillions of stars, planets and galaxies. The possibilities of us being the only intelligent life in the universe is very unlikely. According to Frank Drake, a very respected astronomer, there could be as many as 100 billion habitable and potentially inhabited planets in …show more content…
Humans have been searching for life outside our planet for decades to answer the age old question, are we alone? Most scientists say no because the probability of us being the only life in this ever expanding universe is infinitely small. SETI and Kepler are two of the many programs we have formed to search for alien life. By using radio waves and searching for similar planets to ours we are coming closer and closer to the answer. As of February 22, NASA found 7 habitable planets in the Trappist-1 system. As our technology continues to develop, we could easily visit these distant planets sometime in our future. The idea of aliens shouldn’t be thrown out the window by skeptics until we find the truth because anything is