Argumentative Essay On Affirmative Action

Words: 516
Pages: 3

Affirmative action was originally engendered in 1961 to support equality and diversification in different groups of nationalities, races, and sexes. Through affirmative action these marginalized groups all became “protected”, and were given certain advantages to aid them in being employed or admitted into college, without these advantages they otherwise would not have the same opportunities.

These protected, marginalized groups, are the way they are due to their history. Each groups’ long history of oppression and suffering are all commonalities, which qualify them for these actions to level the playing field the past has left so uneven.

The affirmative action bill is a very contentious topic and has many advocates and opponents. Many question it’s constitutionality, others question its reasoning, and others commend it for its services.
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Chandler applied for a field trip to Cuba. The trip is very selective only allowing 20 students, 5 of which are reserved for students who fall into one of the “protected” groups status. All 15 other students have to pay a full price of $2100 while the 5 selected students pay $1700. Chandler having came from a working class household and background would not be able to afford the full $2100 price tag, therefore she applied for the last reserved scholarship spot despite not fitting the criteria required to be considered eligible for this scholarship. She went on to be turned down from the spot and complained that the school had discriminated against her in their affirmative action-like scholarship policy, did Chandler have reason to believe she deserved a spot? No Chandler did not deserve this last scholarship spot. She did not deserve this spot because she did not meet the criteria the school was asking and, affirmative action rules do not extend to take socioeconomic factors into