Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide

Words: 815
Pages: 4

Assisted Suicide

“If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do?” The question is usually answered with big dreams or things on a bucket list. Yet if I told you “You are going to have a long and painful death.” The answers would not be the same. Some have even opted to say, “I would want to die.”

Assisted suicide is when a physician or doctor takes your life, with your permission. It can also go under the name mercy killing. It is designed to be an option for people who are suffering greatly and will most likely die. Yet, when dealing with human life things tend to be more complicated. Such as, when do we know it is time to essentially give up, and use the permanent treatment called death? Assisted Suicide is not a good option because, there are other options besides taking your life, it is borderline murder, and the person may be misdiagnosed.

There are more options than death when it comes to times of suffering. As says “Drugs such as corticosteroids, antidepressants and anticonvulsants can also help to alleviate
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What if one of those 10-20 people chose assisted suicide, and it turned out that they were not terminally ill. Those people that did not choose assisted suicide could get help for their condition and continue their lives. The unfortunate reality is that the people who chose death could have lived longer, could have had more time with their family, and done the things they loved. Yet, they can’t because they are dead.

Some people argue that we should not use life saving treatments on people who are terminally ill, and rather use them on people who are more likely to live. The hard truth of that is we are all going to die eventually, and you cannot predict that perfectly. Besides they are called lifesaving treatments because without them the person will die. It shouldn't matter how old they are or what they may accomplish. Everyone deserves to live, whether young or