Argumentative Essay On Beowulf

Words: 1061
Pages: 5

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “All history becomes subjective; in other words there is properly no history, only biography.” By the same token, history in itself is subjective, therefore, all facts are. Thus, making all facts biased and only possibly true. Beowulf is a tale of heroics and fighting for what one deems right. Beowulf is the story of a warrior named Beowulf who comes to the aid of King Hrothgar and his people to defeat a monster named Grendel. In the end, Grendel is defeated but his mother avenges him; Beowulf then has to fight Grendel’s mother. Once Grendel’s mother is dead and the Geats have done the job they set out to do, Beowulf and his men go home. After the king of the Geats dies, Beowulf becomes king for many years. In the late years of his leadership, Beowulf is notified of a dragon that has created havoc in his lands. Beowulf goes to defeat the dragon but is killed by a wound inflicted from the dragon. Beowulf is the written work of an …show more content…
The truth of a past culture can never be known as established and unchangeable. Therefore, the Anglo-Saxon culture people know may not even be an accurate representation of the actual culture. With this in mind, how can Beowulf represent a culture if the culture itself is not established. Nothing can change the fact that the history of the Anglo-Saxons will never be known except from assumption of the artifacts people have found and interpreted. Even a historian interpreting an artifact or writing is bias for it is what that historian thinks or believes the artifact tells or shows. The thoughts, views, and opinions of the interpreters of the artifacts are very flawed and subjective. People are taught that everything in a history textbook or anything told by a historian is real, but that is not the