Argumentative Essay On Child Brides

Words: 674
Pages: 3

children and take care of the cooking and housework. In many situations, the family sees its daughter as almost a burden on their living situation because they don’t believe the girls should get an education and contribute to community by working. Many families see marrying off their daughters as a way of helping their financial situation and many families simply do it because it has been happening in their culture of religion for centuries. A documentary on Child Brides done by PBS tells how the great majority of rural India struggles to live on less than a dollar a day. In the documentary it states that the girls’ family sees it as one less mouth to feed and then has to make a payment to the husband’s family to take their daughter. After interview one mother in India, she stated that she …show more content…
One of the biggest things that the global community has come together and done was pass a resolution to end child marriages globally. On November 21, 2014, the UN passed the UN Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriages ( ). According to, the resolution calls on states, with the participations of many perspectives including girls, religious and community leaders, civil society, women’s and human rights groups, and men and boys to come together and implement comprehensive responses and strategies to child, early and forced marriages and to help support those girls already married ( ). A big contributor to the resolution is the organization Girls Not Brides. Girls Not Brides consist of over 500 civil society organizations from over 70 countries globally that are committed to help girls have a choice in what happens in their lives and ending child marriages. Fortunately global action has not stopped at the resolution. In the present 2016, the global community has come together to create the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme