Argumentative Essay On Co Sleeping Pros And Cons

Words: 1290
Pages: 6

Co Sleeping Pros and Cons
Co sleeping/ parent child sleeping together is the most common used sleep arrangements for infants around the world. However, there is controversy on the safety of this practice and pediatricians caution due to the increased instances of infant suffocation and affixation. However, attachment parenting strategies would argue that this is a key way to build attachments between a mothers and infant that carries on into childhood development.
Co-sleeping is gaining momentum in the US from previous years where solitary sleeping was the norm. However, popular is it becoming, there is concerning evidence regarding the safety of infants while sharing a sleeping surface. One, argument is that babies and mothers get better sleep when sharing a surface or in close proximity. But, one study
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The American pediatric association warns against co-sleeping, sighting the risk for suffocation and entrapment. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) rates have fallen since 1992 with a 53% decrease over the past 10 years (Assoc, 2011). However, researchers believe this is more due to the Back to sleep campaign that suggests sleep position had a larger impact on decreasing infant deaths. Placing infants on their backs for all sleep intervals vs prone (on the stomach) is responsible for the decreasing rates. Parents were apprehensive about back sleeping stating that the chocking and reflux would be greater risks to the baby. The thinking that babies do not sleep as well on their back vs stomachs. Researchers feel that the lighter sleep cycles or not sleeping as well could indeed be better for the infants, and sleeping more soundly contributes to the increase risk of SIDS. Researchers, also advised hospital staff to place babies immediately on their backs after birth when lying independent. To help set a precedence or habit for parents when it comes time to take the baby