Argumentative Essay On Psychiatry

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Pages: 6

The controversial branch of medicine ‘psychiatry’ has been criticised as a ‘pseudoscience’, figures such as Tom Cruise claim that individuals affected by a mental illness should seek natural techniques rather than utilize the medicine that psychiatrists prescribe. As psychiatry concerns the diagnosis,treatment and prevention of mental illnesses or abnormal behaviour. Critques of this study,such as Cruise, stress that it is simply a pseudoscience.To explore this in a context that concerns the mental health community the limitations,advantages,perceptions of the community in addtion to the insight of medical professionals will be applied to the different aproaches indivdual seek such as; the combination of diet and exercise to the conventional …show more content…
Based off various studies,results demonstrate that a notable quota of individuals affected by a psychological disorder received relief from a change in diet. Psychiatrist Drew Ramsey admitted that psychiatrists aren't trained to ask about food and nutrition, however, state that “diet is potentially the most powerful intervention we have. By helping people shape their diets, we can improve their mental health and decrease their risk of psychiatric disorders.". Reinforcing the factor of diet as an aid to cure mental illnesses or subside symptom .Additionally, as the brain is vital organ is it sensitive to what we consume,according to research a balance of neurotransmitters are trusted to be essential for mental health. Despite being in the early stages of research, it is believed that several food can create a balance of neurotransmitters within the human body.That is …show more content…
The question that arises from this challenges the works of psychiatrists, with the consensus that the majority have trust with science in regards to treating the human body.However, Cruises claims confirm that the celebrity follows a Scientology view of medicine and mental health. In order words, followers tend to shun conventional medicine under the belief that illnesses are largely psychosomatic. Starting from the foundation of Cruises claim; ‘psychiatry as a pseudoscience’, this area of medicine is often accused of being unscientific.The public's trust surrounding medicine is of social value,while at it’s core medicine is a ‘real science’ that deals with biological phenomena.A common assumption is that because psychiatric employs sciences (such as chemistry) that the psychiatric programmes, themselves are scientific (Blehert).Following these misconceptions towards Psychiatry, Psychiatry fails to follow the science based methods of say pathology and neurology.Amongst critics of Psychiatry, Scottish Psychiatrist observed that the diagnosis of the mentally ill was based on conduct or behaviour rather than physical pathology.Contravened from the standard medical procedure, the approach differs from the medical model. Which states