Argumentative Essay On Xlandia

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Pages: 2

A document that outlines the rights of the citizens that has specific regulations that allow the ability to make changes.
The US Constitution outlines many crucial rights that allow for a strong democracy such as “the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government” which guarantees that citizens can make their opinions heard about political issues and can peacefully protest. While The Constitution is great in writing, the age and stringent nature of the document prevents it from holding up in practice. As time has gone on, people have found loopholes to the constitution like implementing strict permitting laws. Also, The Constitution protects the freedom of speech, but, as time has gone on, it has become difficult to distinguish between unpopular speech and threats. The high literacy rate of Xlandia, at 75%, and the stable religious divide, makes an outlined document a good choice for Xlandia. Learning from the United States, however, this document must have the flexibility to make changes, while being clear on its laws.
2. A board of citizens that includes
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The elite class in the US has caused two major problems for democracy. The first problem involved the accessibility of voting. 38% of low income families don't have the opportunity to vote because elections are held on work days and underprivileged families can not leave work to vote. The elite class than controls the election, making the decision in the majority undemocratic. The second major flaw that occurs with an elite class is the possibility for major corporations or wealthy individuals to control elections. These major corporations have the money to fund candidates, furthering their own agendas. With a board of citizens from all areas of life, checks and balances will be implemented, allowing the underprivileged citizens to have an equal chance to bring these issues to light for the