Argumentative Essay: Rebuilding Yonkers Public Schools

Words: 834
Pages: 4

As stated by Superintendent of Yonkers Public Schools, Dr. Edwin M. Quezada, “Rebuilding Yonkers schools is not a luxury, it’s a must for our city, it’s a must for our students, and it’s a must for learning. . .” The school district in Yonkers, New York is in need of rapid reparations of infrastructure, renovations, and new buildings. This is an issue that requires immediate action by government officials and discussions by parents, teachers, and students alike. This issue should not be taken lightly, especially when talking about the well-being of the students and their education for future and current success.
The city of Yonkers is the fourth largest city in the state of New York, with a population of about 200,000. The issues that arise
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The Superintendent of Yonkers Public Schools, Dr. Edwin M. Quezada with the mayor of the city of Yonkers, Mike Spano, and other board members are asking the governor Andrew Cuomo for $2 billion. These $2 billion would allow Yonkers to complete all of the four phases into rebuilding Yonkers Public Schools. The Superintendent and the mayor of Yonkers have gone as far as Albany to show the numbers of parents, teachers, residents, and students who signed the petition to have Yonkers 39 public school rebuilt. They even got the governor and New York State Legislators to sign and approve for the repairing and rebuilding of these 39 schools. However, the fight is not over, they will continue to Albany and secure funding for the three new schools they plan on building. The Superintendent and mayor are seeking the change they want in the community the work and live in, as should the residents of Yonkers. Along with thousands of signatures presented to the governor, there is a movement on social media, people using #Fund2Rebuilt. The hashtag was created so there would be interest in the young adults to get involved and make a