Argumentative Essay: Say Yes To Marijuana

Words: 1038
Pages: 5

Say Yes To Marijuana
Dear fellow Americans, I have come to the State legislature today to discuss how our medical industry can further develop if we legalize marijuana. I believe that marijuana is beneficial.

No doubt that many people think marijuana would be dangerous. Yes it is dangerous but so is Aspirin but you guys still take it so is Tylenol but you guys still take it so is ibuprofen but you guys still take it Did you know that pain medication is the fourth leading cause of death in the US. A research shows that 90% to 95% of Reye's syndrome cases were preceded by taking aspirin. “Reye's syndrome is a rare and serious condition that causes swelling in the liver and brain”(mayoclinic). Every year, more than 56,000 people visit
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According to an animal study that have “shown some marijuana extracts may kill certain cancer cells”(CNN). You know how some people get chemotherapy treatment, they usually feel nauseated at the end of the treatment, marijuana helps prevent that.All the people that has Post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) are usually on 8-11 medications for” anxiety, sleeplessness, depression and the flashbacks” and most of the people that has PTSD are veterans(CNN). One in five military personnel deployed to iraq and afghanistan experience PTSD. Marijuana help people with PTSD to feel less anxiety and help them sleep better. Most Doctors would recommend this type of treatment (inhalemd).

Since we have already legalized marijuana in 26 states and the District of Columbia, why don't legalize it in all states. Most of the states that legalized marijuana are states that are on the borders of the US. Like California, Oregon and Washington and it is hard for the people that live in Florida, Texas and Oklahoma to travel that far to get marijuana
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A research shows that 90% to 95% of Reye's syndrome cases were preceded by taking aspirin. “Reye's syndrome is a rare and serious condition that causes swelling in the liver and brain”(mayoclinic). Every year, more than 56,000 people visit the emergency room because of Acetaminophen overdoses, also known as Tylenol. What is the chance of people dying from taking Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)? let me tell you.

One out of 1,200 people,” roughly around 16,685 people die each year from NSAIDs related complications” ( undergroundhealthreporter). What I am trying to say is that marijuana it is dangerous but so is other drugs that we have in the stores. It can kill you if used wrong, it can cure you if used right.

Children and adults suffer from different types of diseases that with the use of marijuana could ease or potentially stop the suffering. I saw this video on YouTube about a guy named Larry, who has Parkinson's disease. It prevents him from talking normal and it is hard for him to control his body.Now imagine people that are worse than him. People that have multiple sclerosis which you cannot form a word at all and you cannot control your own body. As if you are a different person is that your body. But once they try marijuana, everything becomes normal. They can walk normal and they can eat normal and they can speak