Argumentative Essay: Should Animals Be In Captivity?

Words: 555
Pages: 3

Do you think that animals should be in captivity? There are a number of reasons why animals should not be in captivity. One reason is when animals are in zoos they go crazy you can tell when bears and big cats will pace back and forth, monkeys and birds will injure themselves, giraffes twist their neck and bend their head back and forth, and elephants will bob their heads and sway side to side. Another reason is zoos don’t care about the animals, only money,and the animals that capture they don’t help them. The most important reason is in zoos animals have been poisoned, starved, denied for veterinary care, burned in fires, died after eating trash that was thrown into their cages, and some animals have been beaten or killed by people who stole them from their pens. You might be thinking yes this might be true but zoos also capture animals because if animals were not in the in zoos they people would be hurting people.

In circuses animals
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Aquariums claim that they exist purely for education and conservation, what aquariums really teach is that it’s acceptable to keep animals in captivity, to be bored, cramped, lonely, far from their natural homes, and at the mercy of people. There are countless ways to educate the public and cultivate respect for animals without imprisoning dolphins and whales. It’s time to put the focus on teaching visitors how to protect animals’ life instead of harming it. Aquariums help or sick animals return healthy, the environment is at the correct temperature and all of the perfect surroundings, fish bred in captivity are disease free and are healthier, and when people observe the animals it helps them understand the behavior so veterinarians can help them you might disagree with me and say all of these things