Argumentative Essay: Should The Government Require Public Service?

Words: 428
Pages: 2

There has always been a tricky balance of giving liberty to individuals and having laws to mandate individuals as a community. Requiring public service is a good way for the Government to make sure the individuals have civic virtues. Although, on the other hand, the Government should not require public service because this balance will fall towards Government rule, causing it to take away individual rights and therefore shows that it is not in the Government’s authority.
To be free is always a desire, and to find it consistently can be a challenge. In order to have freedom, we need to have a balance of state and individual liberty. “The struggle for freedom is not bilateral, but instead triangular … and relies on making these three forces – state, people and would-be aristocracy – in balance.” (Woodward) A community needs both to create a good society, but when one is focused on too much, that is when failure is
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Communism comes into play when the Government propose equality, except it comes through force. In forcing people to serve each other is taking away our human nature. It isn’t necessary and should not be done. We must be cautious of this, because “the greater sphere of the state, the less freedom there would be for the individual.” (Woodward) Individuals then will become slaves to the Government and the individual liberty will be lost.
When the Government requires civic virtues of a community, it is not in their authority to do so. The people expect the Government to create laws that will protect them, not to make them become virtuous. Andrew Schmookler says it well, “Well-supported children will develop into well-ordered adults and that adults empowered to make their own choices will form a healthy, well-ordered society.” This statement he makes explains that individuals making personal choices, with encouraging rulers, is where a good society will be