Argumentative Essay: Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs

Words: 359
Pages: 2

Cats are better than Dogs Do you really want this to happen to you? :How would you like it if you come home after a long day of work and have a animal rapidly slobber on you and pin you to the ground? You wouldn’t like it. Plus… you have to walk it right away! Or do you want this? :imagine coming home after a long day of work and a cat comes, welcoming you home by rubbing on your leg and knowing that it can walk itself because you can let it outside,know do you want this? You would easily choose cats. While cats can scratch you… dogs bite and scratch you! Also, dogs do it on purpose and cats by accident. Now let me tell you the many ways cats are better than dogs.
Why would you want to have to do more work than necessary? You don’t. For starters,