Arguments Against Global Warming Research

Words: 526
Pages: 3

The issue of global warming has slowly presented itself into our society today. With all of the research that has been done, and the many scientist who have researched global warming, two very distinct sides have been developed. Within the global warming argument, two sides, those who believe in global and those who do not believe in global warming, have been formed. There are two opinions on the issue of global warming, and there is one argument that I find most persuasive in forming my opinion on global warming.
There are people who believe that evolution is present in the universe, and they present arguments to support their claim. The first argument that is presented states that global temperatures are steadily rising (Bova 2). Research has shown that animals are heading north quicker than normal because of the hot temperatures that come when spring arrives. Another argument that is presented in support of global warming comes from research that is conducted in the Artic region. Research has shown that glaciers are melting, and the ice covering parts of the Artic Sea is slowly thinning (Bova 2). Along with the arguments that
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The first argument that those who are against global warming present states that the earth issues not warming like some people claim. The earth has only heated up one degree in the 20th century, and in 2007, the earth cooled back down a little more than one degree (Contoski 1). Two other arguments that those who are against global warming present state how good the heat is for our body and our agriculture. Studies have shown that agriculture increases as the temperature increases because most crops need the sun to grow (Contoski 2). Our bodies also thriving heat. Our bodies need to stay warm for survival (Contoski 2). Due to the facts of one particular argument, I have formed my