Arguments Against Gun Control Laws

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Pages: 3

Nicholas Kristof states that “More Americans have died from guns in the United states since 1968 than on the battlefield of all the wars in American history”. Gun control has been a problem for many year, and for many people. With all of the mass shootings and gun problems we have had in the past twenty years this issue is becoming more relevant. Gun control laws should be increased because it is to easy for just anyone to get guns, the increase in mass shooting have gone up, and not many people who own guns for self defence actually use them for self defence. Gun control laws should be increased because it is to easy for just anyone to get guns. To buy a gun most people believe that you need to get a background check. However, according …show more content…
Michael McLaughlin states that “American gun owners are far more likely to injure themselves or someone else with their firearm than to stop a criminal.” According to Gallup poll “60 percent of gun owners claim they have them for self defence.” When in reality when will they ever actually need them, without in the process hurting others or themselves.The Huffington post also claims that “22,000 people die accidentally from fir armes.” However, gun rights activists claim that people are safer thanks to the second …show more content…
When in reality the Second Amendment is outdated. According to Edward Corcoran a reflection by politicians two hundred years ago of what would be appropriate for America in the society of that time.” This meaning lots of things have changed. Such as major advances in gun technology. According to Edward Corcoran “guns no longer single-shot. The weapons nowadays that society could have never dreamed of.” Even though the constitution was well written and we still use most of the amendments today it still has lots of problems. Edward Corcoran states that “this is the same Constitution that legalized slavery and did not give women the right to