Arguments Against Mandatory Voting

Words: 556
Pages: 3

Mandatory Voting
There should be mandatory voting because it will help to get a better representation of the United States and people who cannot vote due to circumstances not under their control can have an equal chance of sharing their opinion.

Article #1: President Obama endorses mandatory voting
The article makes multiple valid points throughout starting with that most people who do not vote are young and of lower income. This is a true statement but keeping in mind you may be young and 20 years old, but an president serves for 4 years. You will be 24 years old and at this point something that the president does will have effected you and people will either complain about it or like it. If there was mandatory voting there would be no problem
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This is a poor argument. Someone can not just assume that the people that do not vote do not know anything about politics. This is an unfair judgment because there are plenty of people that know what goes on in politics but just are unable to vote.
Atricle #3: The ongoing debate over mandatory voting
As in article 1 this article talks about voter ignorance but it goes more in depth. This talks about how mandatory voting will just hurt the already damaged voting system due to the fact that the people who don't vote are the people that don't know much. This statement is not accurate because you as an individual may not believe in what someone else thinks, decided, or knows and does not know but because this is America you still need to give the person a chance to say what they want to say. So if that's all it takes to accept mandatory voting then it's a good deal.
This article also talks about Australia who has majority voting. The article brought up how their government works very well and they have a great turnout. The United States is not Australia but it wouldn't hurt to try something that works so well for another county. The U.S. has less than half of the population voting what is there to