Arguments Against Speeding

Words: 484
Pages: 2

Should you go over the legal speed limit?

opening paragraph

Should you go over the speed limit when driving on highways? I would argue to say; no, you never should. the first reason i would say you should not speed is this; you can casue accidents, whether your fault or not. the second reason i list is: you may get pulled over by an officer of the law and be ticketed, or even arrested if you were going fast enough. and my third reason for not speeding is this: it can potentially cause damage to your vehicles' engine, resulting in expensive repairs or the possibility of "totalling" your car.

supportting paragraph 1

in regards to causing accidents, at high speeds your control of the vehicle is signifacantly redueced. your control as far as the
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such as; you hitting another vehicle, a person or even a house! nearly 90 percent of accidents in the US are caused by speeeding! and to add to the horror, the national department of motor vehicles, (NDMV) has said: '40 percent of those accidents result in death of at least one person per accident.before chooosing to speed, be sure to weigh your options. think if you really want to end someones life today.

supportting paragraph 2

I would also like to press the point of how speeding can result in trouble with the law. If you were to get pulled over for the level of speeding i described above:
(going 100 miles per hour in a 25 miles per hour), you could even be arrested! an officer in that situation would be forced to arrest you, and impound your vehicle. you could then spend years of your life in jail. nearly 10 percent of "speeders" as local police call them, are caught by officers. the cost of an average speeding ticket is 200$. all people who are ticketed are required to pay their fines. just imagine if 100 percent of people who speed were caught. the local governments would have millions more dollars to put toward things such as schools or improving roads.

supportting paragraph