Armando Dimas Case Summary

Words: 1113
Pages: 5

Armando Dimas is a 24-year-old Latino male and a gun-shot victim. One bullet penetrated his spinal cord through his neck just below the brain. This caused paralysis from the chin downwards. Based on the severity of his condition, physicians were sure that he would not make it. It appeared that Armando’s brain had also been damaged slightly. No one including the hospital’s specialist could guarantee that Armando would recover. Attempts to keep him alive as well as occupational therapy would be too costly for Hermann Hospital. It was unclear whether the high cost that would be incurred for Armando’s care was justifiable, considering the fact that the prospect of recovery was zero. Since Armando was fully paralyzed and relied solely on a ventilator, Hermann sent him to go live at Bart’s. Armando gradually began to feel at home while at Bart’s. …show more content…
Hence, Hermann Hospital gave up because it was futile to continue funding his medical bills. In addition to money being the issue, the hospital also saw it fit for the patient to be cared for by his family. Therefore, a decision was made for Armando to finally go home so that his family could take care of him. This was a major blow to Armando who angrily wished to die following the hospital’s decision. However, this was not the end for Armando because the Dimas family learned how to operate the machines and took turns in caring for Armando. Although Armando’s father was angry about the decision made by Hermann Hospital, there was nothing more he could do. What gave them joy is the fact that they were now close to their