Asb Essay

Submitted By lilyyyy1234
Words: 858
Pages: 4

ASB Position Descriptions
ASB President: As ASB president it is your duty to oversee the class as well as lead the executive board. You shall run/hold all Tuesday and Thursday meetings with professionalism and efficiency. The president should know everything that goes on in class, and should be able to report to staff and students what is going on at any given time. Aside from running the class, as president you must be an active member in the class and have to be willing to take up any job that others don’t want to do. You are the face of ASB, people are always watching you.
ASB Vice President: As ASB Vice President your job is to be the backbone of ASB and especially for your ASB president.
You must come every day and must be ready to take over presidential duties when the president is not available. ASB Secretary: The ASB secretary is expected to take notes during official meetings. He/she is also expected to take attendance during these weekly meetings. In the absence of the ASB president, vice president and Speaker of the house the secretary must hold and run meetings.
ASB Treasurer: The treasurer plays a significant role in the finance of clubs and organizations on campus. When either a club, sport, or organization (i.e. journalism) requests money for any reason, the treasurer approves the request on behalf of ASB and allows the money to be obtained.
ASB Commissioner of Elections: You plan, host, end successfully execute all elections (Homecoming, ASB elections and any other small ones that pop up during the year) and anything else that goes along with election stuff.
Speaker of the House: As Speaker of the House you must lead the school in the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. Right after doing that you must say the morning announcements every morning during homeroom. You must also keep time during ASB meetings and must lead the class in the pledge of allegiance during meetings. Student Member of the Board: You are the liaison between ASB and the Board of Education. This position requires you to attend biweekly meetings at the district office or in Malibu City Hall. Before each meeting you will meet with Ms.
Baxter to go over what will be said at the meeting. At each meeting you report what events are going on or are going to happen at Samohi. You should also take notes and tell ASB what was discussed at the Board meetings; it keeps ASB informed of what is going on and what is to come. In the event that you cannot attend a meeting you must get an ASB member to attend the meeting for you and to say the happenings of
Samohi for you. You must always act proper and dress appropriately for these meetings, as you are a representative of Samohi at these meetings.

Senior Class President: The senior class president is to represent and lead the senior class. The president must plan events such as prom and various fundraisers. He or she must lead weekly senior steering meetings.
Senior Class Vice President:
A Senior Class Vice President, fulfills the duties of the Senior Class President when the President is absent; performs duties assigned by the President. Such as, all class activities; creates agenda and presides