Assess The Significance Of The Use Of Symbolism In Kitchen By Banana Yoshimoto

Words: 338
Pages: 2

Banana Yoshimoto’s Kitchen is a novella that elucidates the difficulty of expressing grief in contemporary Japanese culture. Through symbolism of the pineapple, Yoshimoto exhibits the dilemmas individuals experience following the death of a loved one. In Japan, expressing grief openly is shunned, especially in males, who are expected to be the stoic figureheads of the household. The significance of the symbolism of the pineapple throughout the novella lies in its representation of grief, which stems from the death of Yugi’s wife. This scene is pivotal in garnering a deeper understanding of the novella and Japanese culture. Yoshimoto introduces the symbolism of the pineapple in the yearning of Yugi’s wife for something living in the hospital