What Are The Basic Functions Shared By All Living Things

Submitted By ensmanie
Words: 993
Pages: 4

Jenny Tran
Assign 1
1. List the basic functions shared by all living things.
Basic functions shared by all living things are: responds to changes in their immediate environment such as moving our hand away from a hot stove; adapt; grow and reproduce similar subsequent generations of similar but not identical; and most livings thins are capable of degree of movement, if that movement takes them from one place to another it is called locomotion.
2. Define anatomy and physiology.
Anatomy is the study of form. Anatomy means “a cutting open”, examining internal and external structures of the body and the physical relationships among body parts. Gross anatomy or macroscopic anatomy involves the examination of relative large structures and features usually visible with the unaided eye. On the other hand, microscopic anatomy involves structures requiring magnification. Physiology is the study of function. The human functions are complex and more difficult to examine than most anatomical structures. All specific functions are performed b specific structures; therefore anatomy and physiology are interrelated.

3. For five different organ systems in the human body identify a specialized cell type found in that system.
1. integumentary system: squamous cell 2. Skeletal system: bone cell 3. Nervous system: nerve cells 4. Cardiovascular system: blood cells 5. lymphatic system: white blood cells

4. Describe the four primary types of tissue.
1. Epithelial Tissue: most common type of tissue that cover every exposed body surface; lines the digestive, respirator, reproductive, and urinary tracts surround internal cavities such as the chest cavity or the fluid-filled chambers in the brain, eye and inner ear and line the inner surfaces of the blood vessels and heart. It produces glandular secretions.
2. Connective Tissue: diverse in appearance and contain cells and an extracellular matrix that consists of protein fibers and ground substance. It fills internal spaces, provides structure support, and stores energy.
3. Muscle Tissue: the three different types are skeletal muscle tissue usually attached to the skeleton; cardiac muscle tissue only found in the heart smooth muscle tissue found in the walls of blood vessels, within glands, and along the respiratory circulatory, digestive and reproductive tracts. Major functions of muscle tissue are skeletal movement, soft tissue support, maintenance of blood flow, movement of materials along internal passageways, and the stabilization of normal body temperature.
4. Neural tissue: specialized to carry information from one place in the body to another, and conducts electrical impulses.
5. Summarize the major functions of each of the following systems.
a. Skeletal system : support, protection of soft tissues; mineral storage; blood formation
b. Digestive system: process food and absorb of organic nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and water.
c. Integumentary system: protect human body from environment hazards and control temperature.
d. Urinary system: eliminates excess water, salts, and water products; control pH
e. Nervous system: direct immediate responses to stimuli, usually by coordinating the activities of other organ systems.
6. Describe two essential functions of body cavities.
Body cavities protect delicate organs from shocks and impacts; and thy permit significant changes in the size and shape of internal organs.
7. Discuss atoms and molecules, including information about mass number and atomic weight.
Atoms are the smallest stable units of matter composed of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons. Everything around is composed of varying combinations atoms. The unique characteristics of each object result from the types of atoms involved and the ways those atoms combine and interact. Molecule forms when atoms interact and produce larger, more complex structures. The mass of an object represent the sum of the masses of its component atoms. The total number of protons