Assignment 008 Task 1

Submitted By jodiell
Words: 505
Pages: 3

Assignment 009

Task Ai
A curriculum for young children should be appropriate to their stage of learning rather than focusing solely on age related outcomes to be achieved. Children should move on to the next stages of their learning when they are developmentally ready and at their own pace.
Birth-3 matters is a relevant curriculum for babies aged from birth up to three years, the foundation phase curriculum is planned as progressive framework that spans for years to meet the diverse needs of all children 3-7years. The areas of the foundation phase are Personal and Social Development, language and Literacy, Mathematics, Creative Development, Knowledge and Understanding, Welsh Language and Physical Development.
It is the managers/proprietors responsibility to ensure the setting has the correct resources and information i.e. books and guidelines on the curriculum. It is the team leader’s responsibility to plan the framework in advance so that other staff can follow it, it is also their responsibility to ensure every Childs needs. If the child has a learning disability or is slower in progressing then they need more one to one help. If the child is really advanced then they may still need one to one to help them achieve a higher goal. Some children may need a support worker or a social worker and some may need to be evaluated.

Task Aii
Please cross reference to

Task Aiii
Please Cross reference to 008 task A
Please Cross reference to 008 task A
Please Cross reference to 007 task Ai bullet point 4
To make experiences relevant, enjoyable, imaginative and challenging I would follow the frame work but also use books, objects, audio tapes, crafts such as gloop (corn flour and water), shaving foam, flour, water and food colouring, shredded paper and dressing up clothes and depending on the theme I would bring in different foods and take photos to put on the