Assignment 08: Greed Is Good

Words: 442
Pages: 2

Assignment 08:
“Do the right thing – Deontology”
After reading Kant’s law of equality he stood against the idea of a “greed-run economy”, Kant argues that to act in the morally right way, people must act from duty, and Kant also goes on and argued that it was not just only the consequences of our actions othat makes right or wrong but the motives behind all the actions.
Kant would not agree with Gekko’s speech! Looking at Immanuel Kants theory which says we are morally obligated to act according to the rules. There is nothing right about greed! Gekko’s speech supports immorality! Gekko says “greed is right”, “greed work” , this shows he supports greed!
“ME, ME, ME! – Egoism”
Kant claims that a one displays good will by acting